By Thomas C. Corley

RichHabitsMillions of people around the world want to be rich and successful, but very few of us know how to achieve this. This new book Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals by Thomas C. Corley is a very inspiring book. I decided to read it after I heard many positive reviews and results from other people who had already read the book. After going through the book I was able to identify where I had gone wrong and pick up some habits to help me become more financially successful. You just have to adopt these habits and then learn how to incorporate them. There is now a noticeable difference in my thinking process.

The book follows J.C. Jobs an accountant who has come upon hard times. His wife falls ill, and requires surgery which he cannot afford. Sadly his wife passes away and it is only after this that J.C. stops to evaluate his life. He wants to know what he has been doing wrong. What he sets out to do is interview his clients to try and identify what they do differently. He zeroed it down to their behavior and mindset.
He analyses and summarizes his research pinpointing the 10 habits of successful people. This is the in depth information presented in this book and now made available to millions of people in the same situation as he was. These habits also help them achieve their life goals. You are given a 30 day action plan as well as charts and schedules with very precise instructions. The habits have been tried and tested on a very diverse population with amazing results.Who is Tom Corley? He is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Financial Planner, President of Cerefice & Company, CPAs/CFPs and CEO of The Rich Habits Institute. This is an organization he founded whose main aim is to train businesses and individuals on how to achieve the often elusive financial freedom. He uses his Rich Habits Training Program, to share with people like you and me the exact steps you should follow if you are looking to to improve your financial status.I appreciated how the author goes straight to the point. Although it is a very short read he was still able to keep it clear and actionable. I know a friend who has copied a couple of pages and stuck them onto his fridge for daily motivational purposes. Corley even targets how simple things such as calling people on their birthdays is a good trait. I really enjoyed how throughout the book he uses real people examples to bring across his point. The summaries at the end of every single chapter are also very useful.Rich Habits is an extremely informative book. The author manages to keep it efficiently simple and motivational. If you are finding it difficult to progress towards your goals in life this book may just be what the doctor ordered for your success. You could be way on your way to achieving your career goals and financial freedom. I am positive that anyone who dives into this book head first will resurface with a few  nuggets of useful information. I am personally excited and can not wait to experiences the effects of the changes I have made to my life based on this book.Read More Reviews Here…